Hendricksons, Red Quills & Fish, Fish, Fish!!!

May 25

The results are in. The survey says the mayfly hatches are in full swing. It doesn’t really matter where you are, all the fish are now looking up.
Ponds are in full bloom. Show-up on any remote trout pond with a hand full of Adams, Blue Dunns, and Black Gnats and you’re “In Like Flint”. The hatches are mid-day and with water temps still very trout friendly, fish are cruising the surface gobbling up lots of tiny emerging morsels on the surface. It’s the time of season when you will find feeding fish moving along a shoreline gobbling up bug after bug. All you have to do is lay the right fly out ahead of him and he’ll eat it.
The rivers are fishing extremely well. Brookies are being caught that are measured in the pounds not inches and the salmon fishing has been off the scale. We had a two boat trip to the West Branch a few days ago and boated over 70 salmon and brookies. Streamers and nymphs in the morning and dries all afternoon.
Have a peek at our “Photo” page for some of this season’s highlights on and around the water.
This is that time of season when you can set your watch by the hatches. It really doesn’t get any better.
Happy Trails.