Our annual Healing Waters Fly Fishing Outing is always a great time.

July 31

Our annual Healing Waters Fly Fishing Outing was held this year on July 24-27. Eight vets from the Maine Chapter at the Togus Veterans Hospital in August attended this years outing.
Maine’s Trout Unlimited member and Healing Waters representative Dave Herick headed up the program with fly tying, rod building, and casting events held during the winter. Much planning goes into putting everything together. The vets along with two volunteers from Trout Unlimited were put up at Moosetracks cottages on Prong Pond. They have a wonderful handicap facility they make available for the outing. The vets get to dine at a number of local establishments, Kelly’s Landing, Auntie M’s, Trailside, and the Rod and Reel Cafe.
We guided the group on the West Branch the first day and the East Outlet the second day. Everyone had a wonderful time and caught plenty of fish. Our local American Legion put on a great dinner for the vets on their last evening in town.
Special thanks go out to all who were involved in so many ways to make this event special for our vets. They so appreciate everything everyone does so they can get out for a few days of fly fishing and R & R. They never stop thanking us while they are here.